There’s no getting around the fact that this week’s winter storm in Texas was harrowing. The emotional effects of the stress and anxiety the water and power outages caused will be long-lasting.

But, that isn’t to say we didn’t try our hardest to make the best of it.
We don’t see snow often, especially not like this. So, of course the kids enjoyed it while they could.

This particular Texas snowball fight was the most epic one Colby and the kids have ever had.

Using overturned patio furniture and landscaping fences, they battled it out in the backyard.
Truly one of my favorite memories of the week. They had so much fun!

Now, as the temperature officially rises above freezing today for the first time all week, the snow is starting to melt.
With the melting, many people will also discover the extent of damage to water lines in their homes.
If you’ve seen the news or videos across social media, you’ll see flooded homes from busted pipes.

So, as we start to thaw, please keep Texas in your thoughts. We’ll be transitioning from one source of despair to another.
Please continue to #prayfortexas as we climb our way out of the snow and damage this next week.