Boy how things have changed since this first post! Colby and I now both work from home blogging, we travel all over the US, drive a different car every week and support our family of 7 with our blogs.
Figured I should share a bit about us as a family! I know I mentioned having 4 kids— but here are some “details” to that fact.
We do have 4 kids, 3 daughters and one lonely son!
We homeschool, so that means I am with my kids pretty much 24/7!
Our daughters are 2, 4 and 12 years old—and all three try to run the house! I have to remind them that even though they are little “princesses” Mom is still the QUEEN!
My son is 10 years old and I really couldn’t ask for a better son. He’s not one of those “bouncing off the wall” boys, which I am SO GLAD of!
Of course, he’s not perfect, but he’s close enough for me; and, did I mention, he’s a total “Momma’s Boy“!
A Bit About Our Family
My husband and I have been married for 13 1/2 years, been together for 16 1/2 years. We met when I was 16 and he was 15 years old.
Yes, we are in that 2% of high school sweethearts that actually get married … and stay married for that matter!
Not to say we haven’t had some rough times— we were separated for a while —but God has restored our marriage and we are more in love than ever!
You can read my husband’s “pointless” blog (his words, not mine) here!
Our main focus in life in Christ! We are a Christian family with strong moral values. We believe in giving God the glory for all that we have, accomplish and will do now and in the future. He is our reason for everything!
Which brings me to the current “reason for the season“: Christmas!
Christmas is particularly hard for us because we have no savings (it’s almost impossible to save even a few bucks here and there through the year without needing it for an emergency sooner than Christmas), no credit cards, and, of course, no cash on hand!
So, this year, just like last year, our kids Christmas gifts will be provided by a local church (we actually attended the church until for over 5 years until October of this year when we decided it was time to change—long story).
We have been able to purchase one or two small gifts for each of our kids (through money obtained by selling on Craigslist) … and the rest of our kids presents will be delivered Christmas morning by Santa and his elves driving a U-haul truck!
Last year my husband and I were completely overcome with emotion (times were much harder than this year) and I’m sure it will be the same emotion filled reception this year.
That Santa and his elves have such BIG hearts! It’s awesome!
Well, I guess I’ve gone on enough for now. Simply wanted to share a bit more before I got into my resource list that I will try to get posted tomorrow (if not sooner).