Have you ever performed a random act of kindness for someone? How did it make you feel? Personally, I enjoy doing things for other people; even if they don’t know it was me.
In fact, I’m not one for recognition at all when it comes to serving others. I do it for the satisfaction of knowing I was able to make someone else feel better. I love seeing others smile.
Think about it. If everyone would do just a little bit of care for someone else, we could ultimately care for everyone.
Random Act of Kindness
Ever since my mom passed away two years ago, I’ve had a much greater admiration for aging seniors.
I understand how much of a gift it is to grow old.
Plus, I often find that our elders are full of enticing stories and great wisdom.
One way to work to keep my mom’s memory alive is to honor her through the compassion and empathy she showed to others; particularly the homeless.
This past week was the second anniversary of her passing, and in staying with her bucket list wishes, we gathered donations and held a homeless outreach.
After 15 years of serving the homeless, we’ve discovered that several are elderly and most are in need of physical assistance.
When we serve, we seek out the older adults to offer help, water, and extra snacks.
This past visit, I spent a lot of time with one woman in particular who was trying to gather clothes for the upcoming winter season.
She needed a large bag to carry the things she found and we made sure she took an extra sack lunch.
In addition to the material things, she seemed desperate for a willing ear. Therefore, we spent time simply listening to her and reassuring her that we cared about her needs.
Sometimes, the single biggest thing you can do for someone is to simply sit and listen.
It didn’t cost me anything to listen to her or help her. And for her that day, it made all the difference.
And in the case of seniors, they are at greater risk of experiencing things like limited mobility, chronic conditions, or feeling isolated. We like to believe no one should ever feel alone.